Mother's Day Bouquet

Mother's Day Bouquet

from $69.00

Seasonal Availability: April + May

Mother’s Day is Sunday May 12th, 2024. Order your sustainable bouquet to arrive May 10th or earlier - Protea stay fresh for weeks!

Choose from three sizes of our Mother’s Day Bouquet, and remind the most important woman in your life how much you love her. A mix of white, pink, yellow, green and red Protea, Pincushion, Grevillea, Leptospermum and Waxflower blooms are set among a variety of green and red Leucadendron and wild foliage cut by hand at our farm.

Bouquet variety may include any number of species growing on our farm and depend on availability!

* GRAND Bouquet pictured

* Flowers last 2-3 weeks

* Customizable greeting card

* Vase not included

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